The FinalForms Scholarship, awarded by WSSAAA, provides financial assistance to first-year athletic administrators for the WSSAAA Annual Conference. FinalForms puts forth funds to allow WSSAAA to select 5 athletic administrators attend the conference or participate in NIAAA leadership training courses.
“We consider it an honor to provide the scholarship. FinalForms’ core values revolve around improving education-based athletics,” states Steve Frucci, “By helping these ADs gain education and exposure to best practices, we’re helping to raise the bar.”
“As a first-year Athletic Director, I have been seeking different opportunities to gain Professional Development experiences. The WSSAAA Conference is just one great way for me to learn and make important contacts and connections,” says last year’s recipient Kristin DiJosie of Lakewood High School, “As a result of earning this scholarship, I was able to enroll in a leadership course that counts for credit toward my Certified Athletic Administrator credentials.”
2019 Recipients:
2018 Recipients
"FinalForms is a true partner," states WSSAAA Executive Director Dave Tikker, "FinalForms and WSSAAA missions align when opportunities are provided for Athletic Directors to deepen their knowledge and improve education-based athletics."
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What is WSSAAA?
WSSAAA serves roughly 550 Athletic Directors with unique member benefits, continuing education, and networking opportunities.