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Enrollment Redefined: More Time Saving, Less Time Wasting

Clay Burnett

Our team is proud to announce that we've completely revamped our new student enrollment features.

Based on first-hand interaction with customers, we've confirmed that managing new student enrollment is one of the most critical, and potentially stressful, jobs in the school district.

While FinalForms streamlines the parent experience, especially for those with many children, there is a lot more work to do for administrators. The central office staff may need to review student information and decide whether to enroll the student, while building staff must ensure specific student information gets to the right reports and the right hands at the right time. Collecting the right information, determining enrollment statuses, and pleasing time-crunched parents can really create nightmares for your most valuable staffers. Don't worry, we're here to help!

The "Why" Behind the Update...

We listened to your feedback and guidance. Thanks to your insight, we added features and options that truly help your administration save time and eliminate hundreds of headaches and phone calls. 

For your staff:

  1. Approve enrollments before they are included in your student database
  2. Customize enrollment statuses such as JVS, N, R, O, etc. 
  3. Review RCards with critical enrollment information such as IEPs, District of Residence, and more
  4. Track enrollment history throughout a student's time at your district
  5. View enrollment statuses to be relative to specific school years
  6. Configure school choice options 
  7. Start services immediately for students requiring attention at kindergarten screening

For your parents:

  1. Reduced workload first-time applicant parents
  2. Upload required documentation

Intro to Enrollment Records

Many administrators use our academic, athletic, and medical screens to use lists, statuses, and email options. Now, we've added an additional 'enrollment' screen allowing your registrars to view lists, review forms, email parents, and enroll students. Beyond that, administrators may modify enrollment statuses when it's necessary to withdraw, transfer, or archive a student.

Learn more!
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Contine Reading

7 Steps to Simplify Online School Registration

FinalForms Media

Many districts have the same problems with school registration—even though it’s one of the most critical processes for every school. Getting students to fill out forms is only half the battle. Even if everyone fills their forms out quickly, you often have to manually enter them into a student information system. This isn’t exactly the most efficient and exciting process. Plus, it lends itself to human error. 

Contine Reading

7 Ways to Improve the Student Enrollment Process for Parents

Clay Burnett

Traditionally, the student enrollment process has frustrated parents—particularly if they have several kids.

Parents must fill out a seemingly never-ending pile of forms and jump through hoops just to enroll their kids in school, ensure they’re eligible to play sports, and give them permission to leave school grounds on field trips, among other things. 

Some of these forms are time-sensitive which presents another challenge. Fingers crossed that the parent knows that the relevant form is required and turns it in on time, otherwise their child might not be eligible to participate in a certain program or—even worse for the district—the child goes on a school trip and the parents have no idea where their child is.

Activities that require payments can be especially tricky. Parents often have to trust their kids to keep track of paper checks and hand them in to the appropriate school administrator, which can be a tall order.

Contine Reading

Top 7 Questions Athletic Directors Should Ask When Choosing Software

Clay Burnett

You’ve decided to invest in athletic director software, but you know you can’t just buy any old solution and expect incredible results. As with anything else, you need to do your due diligence and research your options in order to pinpoint a vendor that meets your criteria and needs most effectively.

As you begin your search for the best athletic director software, here are seven questions you should ask to narrow down your options.

Contine Reading

7 Reasons to Move from Paper to Online School Forms Now

Clay Burnett

In our smartphone-powered world, many schools are still relying on an abundance of paper forms to manage their operations. Paper forms may get the job done, but they create inefficiencies, aren’t convenient, and can get misplaced, lost, or stolen.

Online school forms are the better way forward. Not only do they meet parent, student, and staff expectations, but they also deliver a tremendous number of benefits.

Need some more convincing? Let’s take a look at seven reasons to move from paper to online school forms today.

Contine Reading

Missing Athletic Physical Forms? 5 Tips for Tracking Down High School Students and Parents

Clay Burnett

Athletic directors know full well how tricky it can be to get the signatures needed from students, parents, physicians, and staff on high school athletic physical forms.

When you rely on paper forms only, additional challenges arise, such as illegible handwriting, misplaced files, and a time-exhaustive data-entry process to transfer the information over to your student information system.

Students can’t participate in sports activities until their physical forms are turned in. To improve the student-athlete experience and ensure that all students who want to play sports are eligible, districts need to do everything they can to optimize the form distribution and collection processes.

With that in mind, here are some tips to enhance those processes and, as a result, ensure a higher percentage of students are eligible for sports when the season begins:

Contine Reading

Top 7 Benefits of a Student-Athlete Management System

Clay Burnett

If you’re like many athletic directors, you probably spend more time every day than you’d like managing endless paperwork, tracking down students, and parents to get signatures, and reconciling incomplete or incorrect data.

Investing in a modern student-athlete management system can address many of these frustrating daily struggles. In fact, with the right technology, you can also make it easier to keep parents  informed, while increasing the likelihood that athletes meet eligibility requirements and are healthy enough to play—not to mention reducing medical, legal, PR, and insurance risks for your school and district.

Here’s how a student-athlete management system does all those things:

Contine Reading